Finals start tomorrow...
Tomorrow I have Chemistry Final Part One (that's right, my Chemistry Final is in TWO parts) and Chemistry Lab Final/Test and for some reason I just can't seem to focus on studying for either one of them. I know, that's really bad... I'm quite worried about it too.. Yet no matter how hard I try to buckle down I just can't seem to do it. It's aggravating to say the least. I'm sure once tomorrow ends, and I have Tuesday to study for Calculus, Chemistry Part Two, AND Biology then I'll be able to focus.. At least for the day. Just three more days. It's been tough, I've still got a ton of Calculus work I need to finish.. Once finals are over I'll have till the 20th to get them done. I keep telling myself I don't think I'll have any problem getting them done, yet for some reason I continue to drag my feet on them. I'm pretty sure I'm getting burned out, but I just need to stick it out a little bit longer. Just a little bit.
I'm not going to lie, I haven't been all too focused and haven't really forced myself to be either. I think with all that's been going on I just haven't wanted to focus on anything really.. Or just that there's so much I can't focus on any one thing. With finals coming up, I can't focus on getting the calculus work done, but with the calculus work that needs to be done I can't focus on studying for finals. It's like.. a double edged sword.
I guess I don't really have much to talk about.. I'm just having trouble focusing.. I think it's because I'm not all that worried about chemistry or chemistry lab.. I KNOW I can't get an A in Chemistry, and I'm rather certain with all my hard work I'll get an A in Lab... So that's practically a surefire A and B grade. Maybe that's why it's so hard to focus on them, because I'm pretty sure I already know what grade I'm going to get? I guess my real focus needs to be Calculus.. If I can get an A on my final, I'll get an A in the class, it's highly unlikely.. Especially since I missed all of last week. But I have tomorrow morning (or actually technically later this morning) to study for it. Funny enough, I only need a 50% on the final to get a B in the class. This is all of course assuming I do ALL of the homework that's due at the end of the semester (the 20th). I have about 220 calculus problems left. Granted, whenever I'm doing calculus I've also been watching Buffy... If I JUST did calculus and didn't watch TV while doing the work I'd probably get the problems done a LOT faster. Again, focus issues.... So in that sense.. It seems pretty easy for me to get a B in Calculus...
I'm having "First World" problems I guess, lol. I'm so sure I'm going to do well in all my classes ( because unless I completely BOMB my finals I'll do well) I can't bring myself to focus on studying for them. I know what a lot of people are probably thinking, (well, those of you who read my blog, haha), "Seriously? You're bitching because you're doing well in school?" I'm not really bitching, haha, so much as I'm just annoyed that I can't get myself to focus. I like to do great, not 'good' and at this rate, I'm doing 'good'. Not that 'good' is 'bad', it's just not 'great'. Is it so wrong to strive to achieve greatness? It's hard to strive for greatness when you're unmotivated >/
And I know I have a lot more pressing matters to focus on. Like moving, finding a place to live, etc etc, but none of those are on my mind at the moment.. They'll probably become more precedent when I get closer to moving time (January/February). Till then it's out of sight, out of mind.
December will be full of going through old stuff and selling it. Which reminds me, I need to send my friend a text with what manga I have that she's interested in buying....
Well! Since I don't have anything actually useful to write, and I'm just bitching about my first world problems about how I'm doing well in college but not as well as I WANT to be doing, I guess I should shut up and stop sounding like such a douche. Don't worry, I have plenty of legitimate issues going on for me to complain about, but for some reason I'm not actually in the mood to complain about anything...
In fact, despite having not studied for finals at all and stuff... I'm in a pretty good mood. Funny how life is like that sometimes.
Just be glad you haven't taken an arrow to the knee yet!